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By Eric Kallio
Founding Attorney

Trusts are an essential component of many estate plans. They serve as a vehicle for passing assets on to beneficiaries in a way that can simplify probate and mitigate or avoid many tax consequences. However, they need trustees to function. A trustee is a person or entity that manages a trust’s assets. If someone you know asks you to serve as a trustee for their estate, it is essential to understand the pros and cons before accepting the role. 

Pros of Being a Trustee

The advantages of being a trustee include the following:

Opportunity to Help Others

As a trustee, you can make a meaningful difference in the lives of the trust’s beneficiaries. By managing the trust assets responsibly and following the grantor’s wishes, you can ensure that the beneficiaries receive the support they need, whether for their education, health, or general well-being.

Gaining Valuable Experience and Knowledge

Serving as a trustee provides an excellent opportunity to learn about asset management, investment strategies, and the legal aspects of trust administration. This knowledge can be valuable for your personal financial planning and can even enhance your professional skills.

Building Relationships and Networking

Being a trustee often involves working closely with beneficiaries, other trustees, and professionals such as attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors. These interactions can help you build solid relationships and expand your personal and professional network.

Potential for Compensation

Depending on the trust’s terms and the grantor’s wishes, trustees may be entitled to reasonable compensation for their time and effort spent in managing the trust. This compensation can be an additional benefit, especially if the trust requires significant time and attention.

Cons of Being a Trustee

The disadvantages of serving as a trustee include the following:

Significant Time Commitment

Managing a trust can be a time-consuming responsibility, especially if the trust holds complex assets or has multiple beneficiaries with different needs. Trustees must devote sufficient time to manage the trust assets, communicate with beneficiaries, and keep accurate records.

Fiduciary Responsibilities and Potential Legal Liability

Trustees have a legal obligation to act in the best interests of the trust and its beneficiaries. Failure to fulfill these fiduciary duties can result in personal liability for any losses or harm incurred by the trust or beneficiaries. This potential liability can be a significant source of stress for trustees.

Managing Complex Family Dynamics and Potential Conflicts

Trusts often involve family members with different personalities, expectations, and financial needs. As a trustee, you may need to navigate complex family dynamics and resolve conflicts among beneficiaries, which can be emotionally challenging and stressful.

Emotional Challenges 

If you were close to the grantor, managing their trust after their death can be an emotionally taxing experience. You may need to make decisions that affect the beneficiaries while also processing your grief and loss.

Contact Kallio Law Firm, LLC, Today

For many people, serving as a trustee can be a great honor. However, it can also be a significant burden on your time, energy, and emotions. As such, it is essential to carefully consider all the variables before accepting the role. Consulting an experienced estate planning attorney can help you understand how your current situation and circumstances may align with your ability to fulfill the duties of a trustee. 

At Kallio Law Firm, LLC, lead attorney Eric Kallio has many years of experience he’ll rely on to discuss the responsibilities of trustee with you and give you the clarity you need to make your decision. If you choose to be a trustee, we can also help you manage the requirements of the role effectively. Call us today or contact us online for a consultation to learn more about how we can guide you.

About the Author
Attorney Eric Kallio is the founder of Kallio Law, focusing his practice on estate planning, wills, successions, business law, tax law, aviation law, and veterans benefit law. Eric brings the depth of his professional and educational experience to bear for his clients, advocating passionately on their behalf.